Children’s Appeal to Adults How you can help us:
- Remember, you’re a pedestrian sometimes too.
- Give us time and room to cross. Your speed can make the difference between life and death.
- Remember, we are small and may be hard to see.
- Be ready for the unexpected.
- Observe all highway laws.
- Keep your speed down.
- Leave the pavements clear.
- Don’t park on zigzag lines.
- Keep zebra crossings clear.
- Don’t park in school car parks.
- Keep nearby driveways clear.
- Don’t stop in the middle of the road.
- Don’t park on bends in the road.
- Don’t open doors into the road when other cars are coming.
- Be patient – don’t beep horns or become angry. Park sensibly. Drive safely—our lives are in your hands.
Source: council