International Concert at the “Casino du Liban”, a communication space between Greece and Lebanon
The Naji Cherfan Foundation organized this extraordinary concert based on the vision written by Naji Cherfan – “People are born to shine”. This event was distinguished by the musical diversity presented by the international Greek Mezzo Soprano Alexandra Gravas, the Lebanese artist Charbel Rouhana, and the choir of Saint Rafqa led by Sister Marana Saad. For the first time, she released the song “Unite” by Charbel Rouhana, which calls for solidarity and peace.
The ceremony was attended by the representative of the Minister of Culture, Dr. Walid Muslim and his wife, Deputy Dr. Fadi Karam and his wife, Dr. George Mufrej and his wife, representing Dr. Samir Geagea and Deputy Setrida Geagea, the former First Lady Joyce Gemayel and her grand-daughter, Deputy Ghassan Moukheiber and his wife, His Excellency the Ambassador of Greece Mr. Theodoros Brassas, and His Excellency the Consul of Greece Professor Athanasius Leosis, and diplomats. Archbishop Aad Abi Karam, Bishop Boulos Rouhana, the mother sister head of the Convent of the Sisters of Saint Rafqa, Sister Madonna Abi Rizk, and a large number of venerable fathers, nuns and clergy, also participated in the ceremony. The Vice President of the Federation of Kesrouan Municipalities and Al Fotouh, the Mayor of Kfour Municipality Engineer Antoine Abi Saab and his wife, the artist Marcel Khalife, the artist Joseph Khalifa, the artist Joumana Medawar, in addition to a number of actors, mayors, diplomats, academics, social workers, businessmen and advertisers, and a selection of media and artistic faces participated in the ceremony. A large crowd narrowed the hall.